I had a blast at Sundance. I feel strongly that anyone who is really serious about having a film career should take this class. It opened my eyes to how distribution companies, like Focus Feature, go about acquiring the films to be distributed to theaters and the public.

Being amongst people who are in the industry was inspiring to me. It got me thinking on how I could get my foothold in the industry. I came to the conclusion that I would do a short film and submit to Sundance. I see Sundance as my springboard into the industry.

One of my favorite moments was going to the film panel talking about media distribution with Joseph-Gordon Levitt. I got to ask him what it is like directing an independent film like Don Jon. He told me that you shouldn’t shoot for a feature your first try. Shoot little by little and keep on improving on your work. He also said that if you keep being tedious with your editing and directing then that is an indication that you are in it for the long haul and the movie industry is the place for you. That was inspiring to hear because that is exactly what I have been doing to this point. I am constantly honing in on my editing skills each time I do a video. So that was a great indication for me that I am in it for the long haul and I told myself I won’t give up on my dreams of a bright future in the industry.