As soon as I heard that WKU was putting together a Sundance study away course, I signed up as soon as possible. Being at Sundance is an incredible experience for any aspiring film makers because it not only fills you with excitement, but proves that mall indie film making can be accomplished.
The indie film which blew me away the most so far was a Japanese/Indonesian film called Killers which was directed by Timothy Tjahjanto and Kimo Stromboel. After the screening the directors did a Q & A in which they revealed that the whole film was shot with about a one million dollar budget, which sounds like quite a lot, but in the world of film, it’s not much at all. This film looked incredible. It looked like any two hundred million dollar Hollywood film. It’s amazing that two guys have slowly worked their way into the industry, and made a film that encompasses so much with so small of a budget.
Overall, Sundance has excited me in many ways about the film industry and studying film. Everything from the panels, films, and Q & As after each screening have been awesome to experience, and Sundance really is an amazing experience for everyone.